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Pork Cut Instructions

Our Pork Cut Instructions tell us how to cut your order. These are required from all individuals that are receiving a half or whole pig. You can call us with your instructions, or they can be dropped off with your pig. All instructions are due within 2 days of the drop-off date. Featured below are additional instructions to help you fill out the form properly. If you would like a printable pdf file, click here.

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(+.40/lb )

At the top please fill out your name, the farmers name that sold you the pig, and your phone number. 


Please mark if you are getting a whole or half. Then mark how you would like it packaged.

*Vacuum Packaging is included in your cost. Double Wrapped packaging is an additional $0.40/lb on hang weight.

Next you'll see our 'Regular Cut Option'.

This option is great if you want a little bit of everything and/or this is your first time ordering.

Or skip this and customize your order below.

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Customize Your Order:

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Sausage: Patties are an additional $1.00/lb. We offer them in 1/4lb (4-1), 1/3lb (3-1) or 1/2lb (2-1). Please specify your preference. We can package 4, 6 or 8 per package -- please circle your preference.

Brats are an additional $2.25/lb.

There is a 10# minimum for both patties and brats. 

Seasoning: ONE seasoning is included with your order. An additional seasoning will cost $4 for a half pig and $8 for a whole pig. 

**NOTE: on average, a whole hog will only get roughly 20# of sausage if all cuts are taken**


MISC: 'X' the options that you want. Baby Back Ribs cannot be taken if you chose Bone-In Chops. We do NOT grind any offal meat into your sausage. If you opt to take the heart, tongue, or liver it will be cubed or sliced. 

Chops: If you want your chops please fill in how many you want per package, if you want them boneless or bone-in and the thickness you'd like them cut to. Our standard cut thickness is 3/4" but we can accommodate thicker or thinner.


Shoulder: The shoulder(s) can be cut into steaks only, roasts only, or a combination of both. Our regular cut will give you (2) 2# roasts and the balance in steaks packaged 2 per pack.


Ham: Circle if you want your ham(s) Fresh or Smoked. Your ham can be cut into all roasts, all sliced or a combination of both. Our regular cut will give you 2# roasts and the center sliced 2 per pack.


Bacon OR Fresh Side: Choose one! If you choose bacon, please indicate how many pounds you'd like per pack.


Hocks: 'X' if you'd like them. Circle Fresh or Smoked. Mark 'SA' if you do not want them.


Start here to customize your cuts. Place an 'X' on the cuts you want. Any cuts that you do not want will be ground into sausage. Feel free to put 'SA' for cuts you want ground. Example below.










(260) 693-0777

3640 Us 33 Churubusco IN United States 46723

Our privacy policy can be reviewed here.

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